

Why Do You Need An Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor

Using a 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitor is a great way to manage high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is a medical condition in which the systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) blood pressure remains above 130/80. An ambulatory machine monitors blood pressure over some time to determine the condition of hypertension.

White Coat Hypertension

It is a condition where blood pressure is recorded high when monitored in a clinic. But otherwise, it is normal. It is called white-coat hypertension, and it doesn’t require antihypertensive drugs. But the patient is advised to monitor their blood pressure levels through an ambulatory blood pressure monitor. In medical language, it happens due to the phobia of the white coat of healthcare professionals. But it could anytime develop into a medical condition.

Masked Hypertension

The condition where blood pressure recording comes normal in a clinic, but the patient experienced hypertension symptoms at home and office. It is a serious condition, as hypertension is never noticed, in a clinical setting. But with an ambulatory machine, this condition can be monitored. Buy an ambulatory blood pressure monitor from MedicMall to monitor your blood pressure. Medicines are needed to control masked hypertension.

ambulatory blood pressure monitor

Sustained Hypertension

It is a condition where patients experience symptoms of hypertension irrespective of their location. Their BP recordings are recorded high in clinics and everywhere. An ambulatory machine monitors sustained hypertension, and medicines are prescribed to control the condition.

An ambulatory BP monitoring machine is used to determine the efficacy of the medicines administered. 24-hour BP monitoring is the only way to know how hypertensive medicines are doing and whether the prescribed dose needs to be adjusted. Get the best blood pressure monitor from MedicMall, if you want to check whether you need to increase the dose of your hypertensive drug.

Do You Have Difficulty Controlling BP With Medication?

If your blood pressure is continuously fluctuating despite taking regular medicines, you need to wear an ambulatory machine to monitor fluctuations in your blood pressure. The machine will record your BP every 20 to 30 minutes during the day and every hour at night. The recordings are saved in the machine. The machine will be removed the next day, and the recordings will be checked to determine your overall medical condition.

Advantages Of 24-Hour BP Monitoring

With 24-hour BP monitoring, you can rule out white-coat hypertension and avoid unnecessary medication of hypertensive drugs. Also, it can help detect masked hypertension that could lead to heart disease, stroke, and organ failure, if left unchecked. Another advantage of 24-hour BP monitoring is; it can determine the efficacy of hypertensive drugs. You should visit MedicMall to check the blood pressure monitor for sale and buy one for your needs.

An ambulatory BP machine is used only for 24 hours at a time, but the readings taken by the machine are valuable for treating hypertension and saving lives. It is a portable device that is worn on the arm. The machine records the readings, which can be transferred to a computer from the machine.

Final Thoughts

You should buy an ambulatory blood pressure monitor from MedicMall if you are suffering from hypertension. This device will help keep an eye on your medical condition.

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